Eliza Kempe Dorley is always left in the background. As a female, being top inventor for the Alliance of Silver and Steam has as many draw backs as perks. She’s in charge of the creation of the many tools the Alliance uses in pursuit of the demons that run lose in the London Underground, which means without her, the demons would be harder to put down. It also means she misses all of the action and has never had the chance to really use any of her inventions.
Lucius Cooley Willan is a Nightmare Demon with a penchant for gambling and sleeping with women he shouldn’t and it’s landed him in hot water. Now he spends his nights slinking in humans dreams and unleashing terrors so strong it kills them so he can capture their soul for his boss. But when he’s ordered to attack the group that hunts his kind he’s enthralled by the feisty inventor he comes upon.
Eliza’s victim to Lucius in a way no others have been, a sensual dream that she can’t shake when she wakes up. When he bumps into her at the trains she’s an addiction he can’t shake. When he outright disobeys the demon who controls him for some out of dreams interactions with the Eliza, it will be up to him to save her from the nightmare he’s put her in.
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“I cannot do that Eliza. You lot wish to eradicate demons from the face of the earth and we have been around, just as you and every animal, for a purpose. I had every intention of sending her in circles, throwing her plans off and alerting The Alliance so they could handle it. But I will not aid in the destruction of my species as a whole.”
Her heart broke. They did need to reevaluate something but one thing was certain. If he would allow the creature to exist that was behind this, would protect her even, there was nothing left for them. She looked at the carpet, stained a vicious red from her blood and nausea swept through her. “Then you need to leave Lucius.”
“No. I will make you understand, I’m not leaving you.”
She was eerily calm as she looked up at him. “Yes Lucius you are. You crossed a line and showed me who you really are, deep down. But I’ve seen another side of you. A side that deserves to live, despite it all, because I choose to believe you will only harm those you have too until you can find a way out. I don’t even know if you will find away out. But the demon that I love would.” She hadn’t realized that she did love him until the words came out. It was natural really, that she’d finally found someone who was good for her, who made her happy and he would be a demon with a past too dark and corrupt to change.
“I love you Eliza. You have to believe me.” He sounded so different, pathetic even.
“ I do Lucius. I do not doubt anything you’ve told me. But I cannot be with you and the Alliance is coming, at least I have to hope they will be coming soon because I don’t think I will last much longer. You need to get out. You need to make sure that you keep on living. For me.” She wanted to kiss him, just one last time but she didn’t.
“Eliza I-“
“Get out. Get out now Lucius!” She shouted as best as she could and she closed her eyes, the urge to sleep was overwhelming now. She felt a shift in the room and heard him turning. Whether or not he would actually leave she’d never know. With her eyes closed her brain took over and she breathed in deeply as she surrendered to unconsciousness.
Lexi Ostrow has been in love with the written word since second grade when her librarian started a writing club. Born in sunny southern California she's spent time in various places across the country and can't wait to settle down somewhere in the French Quarter when she's able too.
Lexi has been a writer ever since the second grade in some form or another. Getting her degree in creative writing and her master's in journalism she couldn't wait to get a chance to put her fantasies down on paper. Her debut novel, Torn Between Two Worlds is something that was simmering in her mind since middle school and she's so grateful to put it out into the literary world. From paranormal romance to thriller there isn't a genre she doesn't love to spend her time reading or writing.
Reading and writing are her first loves but her passion for shopping, love for yummy food and her love for all her many pets. She hopes to one day help other readers fall in love with writing as she did.
1 ecopy of Les Vaporistes
1 ecopy of Cogs in Time 2
1 ecopy of Torn Between Two Worlds
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