Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Author Take Over: Q/A & Giveaway with Kait Ballenger

Hi Guys!!!
It's Wednesday again, which means it is Author Take Over time!!! This week I have someone truly special coming by!
Please welcome Kait Ballenger to my home on the interwebs!!!

Muhahaha! *evil laugh* Kait Ballenger here and I’m taking over Sabina’s Adventures in Reading today to do whatever I want! Full power Author Takeover! Woot! With this awesome power I’ve been granted, I decided to run an open Q&A giveaway. Ask me anything between 12PM-2PMEST in order to enter to win a copy of my newest release Immortal Hunter! Open internationally. Just leave your questions in the comments
You can leave as many questions as you want, but you're only getting one entry - and you have to leave your email otherwise I won't be able to contact you.

*Sabina* Before letting you all loose on this page *seriously, ask away!!!* Here's a little information on Kait, where you can find her, and of course her new book!!! (you can read my review here)
Kait Ballenger is a full-time paranormal romance author, wife, professional bellydancer, and graduate student living in Central Florida. SHADOW HUNTER, the debut prequel of her sexy paranormal romance series, the Execution Underground, about an international network of supernatural hunters who fight to protect humanity alongside the powerful women they seduce, releases in an anthology titled AFTER DARK along with NYT Bestselling author Gena Showalter's novella THE DARKEST ANGEL in July 2013. TWILIGHT HUNTER, book one of the EU series, debuts Sept 2013.

With a B.A in English from Stetson University, Kait is currently a student in Spalding University’s M.F.A in Writing for Children and Young Adults program, where she studies dual-genre in screenwriting. She writes dark paranormal romance with drool-worthy heroes and kickass heroines as Kait Ballenger, and sassy YA urban fantasy under her maiden name, Kaitlyn Schulz.

When Kait’s not preoccupied with paranormal creepy-crawlies, she can be found slaving over endless amounts of schoolwork or with her nose buried in a book. She lives in Florida with her husband, and doggie-daughter, Sookie (yes, like the heroine in Charlainne Harris’ books), and two mischievous kittens, Elliot and Olivia (yes, like the Law and Order characters), near the love and care of her supportive family. Kait believes anything is possible with hard work and dedication. One day, she will be a bestseller and have people name their pets after her characters too.

Find Kait here:
Hunters of the supernatural, the Execution Underground are an elite group tasked with protecting humanity...but at what price?

As an exorcist, David Aronowitz grew up the target of demonic assassins. Now he’s a member of the Execution Underground and hellspawn everywhere fear his name. But when a demon slips into the seductive body of the only woman he’s ever loved, David must confront the heartbreak of their past to save her.
The piece of her heart Allsún O’Hare gave to David so long ago left her trapped between two worlds: the Fae and the human. And when David comes to her rescue, fate reunites her with her
greatest temptation—and her biggest mistake.

Now, as they’re swept together into a wicked game with the demon who controls her, David must decide if saving Allsún’s life is worth sacrificing his own—and the future of humanity itself.


Now my lovelies, it's YOUR turn!
Comment with your question for Kait, and she will come back here between 12 PM and 2 PM EST to answer them!
Your question will be put into the pot, and one lucky winner will win an e-copy of Kait's new release; Immortal Hunter.


  1. Wow you must really be busy!

    How and why did you become a professional bellydancer?

    My e-mail:

    1. Hi Anne!

      I am crazy busy lol, but I'm lucky enough that I only have to work at my day job on the weekends, so that leaves me a lot of time to write and do what I want during the week. I actually started bellydancing as a hobby and after dancing for a charity event was hired to work in several restaurants in the Orlando area. Unfortunately, that profession is behind me now as I no longer work at it, but I still bellydance for fun =)

  2. What inspires your characters physical appearance? Actors, models, imagination-example please!!

    1. Hi Donanna--

      It's all my imagination ;-) I just usually think of traits I find appealing (or unappealing for villains) and go from there, building piece by piece =)

  3. How did you come to create the world you have in your Execution Underground series? What inspired the book series?

    Angela (Angel's Guilty Pleasures)

    1. Hi Angel--I wanted to create a world within our own world, so I just had the thought "what if there were supernatural creatures among us and only certain people knew they were there." The idea grew from there =)
