Knock, knock...waiting quietly, listening intently...Sabina has left the building I am free to party like it's 1999! Prince made that seem like such a fabulous date, and then when it finally was just another day. Anyway, I am here to take full control of this site for today, 100% control, Sabina may regret giving me this much control!

Currently the only book you can find me in is the anthology: Paranormal Anthology with a Twist. Previously I dedicated over a decade of my writing career to journalism and nonfiction. I spent a number of years writing articles that were featured in America Online and a variety of their forums. Those were the days.

Just for that, I am bringing some of my boys over and not leaving them behind. You think I am that crazy?
Drool moment. Still drooling. Do you think there is a towel around here?
I learned from a very dear friend that a towel is very important to always have with you. Thankfully I brought my towel along. Mopped up my own drool, but might have left a puddle back there, just watch your step.
All joking aside for a moment, here's my short bio...that's a joke, I never manage to do a short anything, other than being short.
About me: I am soon to be forty-four years old. Born in the era of hippies and free love, I have nothing exciting in my life to share with you. I was born, raised, and continue to live in the state of insanity, oops I

I write a variety of genres, currently working in both the horror genre and the romance and paranormal genres. Characters haunt me, they wake me up in the middle of the night demanding attention, so we have...
A humongous PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!!!
A gift for my dear friend:
Many are blessed with friends, dear and true.
Not all are blessed with one as dear as you.
You bring a smile to my sad face,
Reminding me to seek out a happy place.
You reach across the social media divide,
And comfort and peace provide.
Friends separated by the great blue sea,
You and I will always be.
~ Penelope Anne Bartotto
Follow the Insane Penelope Anne Around the Universe:
The Library at the END of the Universe
Facebook: The Library
Penelope Anne Bartotto, Author
The Library at the END of the Universe
Facebook: The Library
Penelope Anne Bartotto, Author
I now return you to your regularly scheduled posts.
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