The Eye by Jeff Motsinger. Stranded Wings by Catherine Stovall. Both amazing and very enjoyable.
The Passing of Time by Eada Janes:
Amazing poem from Eada, I truly enjoyed it. The things that we create of cogs and copper, can be the same that destroy us with enough time. Beautiful.
The Bleeding of the Thief by K.C Finn:
Following his greedy heart, a young man goes to Egypt to rob graves, only to find himself in the clutches of a man who sees him nothing more than a simple slave. When he’s being freed by the older woman; Maybelline, he vows to make amends for his past mistakes. Time will tell if he can….
Magnificent story by K.C Finn. I fell into the story fairly quickly and loved the little surprise there was in store for us in the end. Loved it.
One Last Dance by Nicole L. Daffurn:
A young dancer with big dreams. Will she fly or fall while she tries her wings?
Nicole awed me by this story. Yes, she jumped a bit but it only added to the story. I loved the brief glimpse we got into Catarina’s life. Gruesome and beautiful story, with a great twist in the end!
A Tale by Cory Turner:
Oh wow…. Cory has really created a gruesome and interesting tale here. I absolutely loved the end, I did NOT see that coming!! I really don’t want to say too much, it might be giving away the story. I will say this though…. Revenge comes in all shapes and sizes – but what is the cost?
Aztecs by Cindy J. Smith:
I loved this poem. Cindy really put the stream into the old Aztecian belief. Bloody, gory and pure. Sprinkled with cogs ;-)
Uncle Tom’s Heart by Emma Michaels and Michael Cross:
This story truly touched my heart. It was an amazing tale that showed me good and bad, hope and love, greed and hatred – and where each emotion can take you as a human being. There are a lot of different characters in this story, and I loved following each of them and their struggles. From Tom and his unwavering faith, his big heart, to the beautiful love between Ezra and George and their wonderful son; Henry. Definitely one of my favorite stories!
Candy Apple Red by Deborah Dalton:
A hidden treasure, renegades looking for it, and the protectors standing in the way… All tricks are allowed in this game, but who will play the game best?
A very different story, but I liked it.
Clear Skies by Andrea L. Statum:
See this was an interested read. If you have read Cogs in Time (the first anthology) you might remember Captive Sleep by Andrea. Well, Clear Skies is actually the continuation of that story. Again we follow Domaroc, but at home on his way to a new mission, a new assignment. He feels best with grease on his hands, but jobs have been scarse since he got back home.
I loved coming back home and see what happened to Dom and his little family. Crossing my fingers for more in the future!!
Darkened Love by Monica Reents:
Beautiful poem by Monica. A perfect fit to this anthology.
The Ticker by Beth W. Patterson:
How far will we go to erase flaws in us self? Would we lock us away to hide our imperfections? Would music and art be banished? What if machines took hold and was made perfect? Would be able to keep up, or would we bury ourselves in medication to forget?
The Ticker is a harsh story about a world created solely for perfection. I loved it and disliked it. The thought of living in a world that celebrates perfection more than today, that would erase art and music… no. Beth really made the story come alive and for me, beautifully written.
Ice Breaker by Aubrey Diamant:
What would you do if summer suddenly turned to winter? Would you tell anyone of you found out that a dead woman came back to life again? Or would you run?
Alfred is a photographer, but not just any kind. No. He takes pictures of the dead to give those left behind some peace of mind. During a photo session everything goes wrong, and Alfred soon finds himself thrown into a new world of aliens, dead people walking around, war and mad scientists.
Aubrey is a brilliant author, and it was a pleasure to read his story in this anthology. In a way, I would’ve loved to see what would have happened if Alfred chose differently in the end, but that’s another story. I truly enjoyed Ice Breaker.
Second Chances by Samantha Ketteman:
Her life isn’t what she expected it to be. Rosalyn isn’t happy, and have great regrets about her past. But what if you could turn back time and change what you did all those years ago, make a different choice? Would you grab it with both hands? Or would you leave it alone for fear of changing too much of the present?
Rosalyn has to make that choice and to be honest, I don’t blame her for her choice. Read this wonderful and amazing story by the so very talented author Samantha Ketteman and find out the secrets behind the town Rosalyn lives in.
Treasure of Time by Jeannette Joyal:
Beautiful, beautiful poem by Jeannette. I absolutely love it! So much mystery and hints put into the few lines, and the images that plays in my mind are amazing.
Can’t wait to read more from Jeannette!!
The Angel by Sherwin Matthews:
Jorge lost his father to the war and his mother to grief. Before he was very old, he ran away from home, unable to stand his mother’s sorrow.
Drifting Jorge finally ends up in the big city where he tries different things to survive; stealing, begging… Until he meets Mr. Mortensen. He gives Jorge odd jobs at odd times, but pays well. He makes sure they both get what they want and need. The question is…. Will they be prepared to pay the price for it?
Fascinating story and very well written. Just not my type of story.
The Servants of Orion by Faith Marlow:
If you have read Cogs in Time 1, I’m sure you will remember the amazing story; After the Flare by Faith. The Servants of Orion is actually the continuation of that story.
Pen is trying to get the technology forth, to open up for new explorations, he’s found evidence of where more advanced technology can be found. Trouble is… nobody wishes to listen to him. The Dean won’t even allow him to show what they’ve already found.
In desperation, Pen turn toward the only one who will listen; Hitch. He was there when they found the space shuttle, and he knows he can convince him to help him out.
Following a series of clues, Hitch and Pen (accompanied by Susie, a crafty air pilot), they begin a new quest, but what will they find?
I loved After the Flare, and Servants of Orion was just as good. I loved coming back to the old characters, to see them again, and follow them on their new journey. The place Faith took them to this time was a place I’ve always found magical, and I want to see one day. Amazing story, and can’t wait to read more about Pen, Hitch & Susie.
The Stormling’s Invention by Lexi Ostrow:
Once upon a time…. There was a Great Storm. Everyone who survived it was changed. They grew powers, but depending on different things, they got different powers. Nobody truly know why some people get some powers. There are speculations yes, but nothing clear. Although not everyone got elemental powers.
Anyways… Meet Jase and Mia. Two stormlings working together on a project, but also old childhood friends. Both are carrying a torch for each other, but haven’t done anything about it. Why? Because while Jase is noble, Mia is nothing but a servant, and Jase’s father would never approve of such a union. This project that they’re working on could change that though, Jase is well aware of that. If they could succeed in time traveling, then Mia would get some land and a title, but more importantly… Jase could court her, make her his.
How far will Jase go to get his true love? And will the time machine actually work?
Lexi spins an amazing tale with this story, and I loved every second of it. The ending does seems a bit unfinished to me, but the journey to the destination is well worth it. Lexi did an amazing job!!
The Cogs Turn by Eada Janes:
Loved this poem by Eada. Beautiful and dangerous at the same time.
Times of Arrival by Wayne Carey:
I love this. This is the third continuation of a story from the previous anthology, and I think it’s plain awesome that so many have wanted to partake in the sequel, and have written such amazing stories as well.
Times of Arrival is the continuation of Point of Departure. In that book we met Harrison Pierce, who accepted a last job for the Queen. It turned out to be something else that what he had been told, but he got out of it.
In Times of Arrival, Pierce is back with Elizabeth Fletcher and the Independence. But they’re here with a warning. They traveled for some time, jumping through the different ports, trying to find out who built the ancient temples all around the world. If the ongoing war between different countries isn’t stopped, the world and humanity will end as we know it. Can they stop the war before it’s too late?
Wayne Carey has done it again. Hands down, I love this universe. The tesla coils, Elizabeth, the Independence, Pierce, the plot… I even like how he ends this story, it begs for more. Fingers crossed that he will write more!!
Poison by Catherine Stovall:
Madame O was a well known Voodessa, a medium and toy for the darker realm. On her death bed she has one final story to tell; how she came into the services of the devil himself, and how poison filled her life slowly. This is her story, and you better listen carefully to avoid making her mistake.
In Cogs in Time 1, Catherine told the story of Wren City, a town controlled by a clock tower and machine inserted into the people’s hearts. We learned about the revolution. Now we’re back, but some time after the revolution. This is a darker side of the Wren City though, one we weren’t shown as much the last time, but what an amazing story. I loved digging into Poison, the things that Madame O did, it fascinated me. I really, really disliked Mrs. Copperbelt the more I got to know about her. Yes, I understand her husband cheated one her, but the thing she did BEFORE and AFTER…. *shudders*
As usual, Catherine has created a fantastic story that drew me in and refused to let go.
Piece of advice? Sometimes you really should listen to your sixth sense and your ancestors.
Ghost in the Machine by SJ Davis:
This is ateaser from SJ Davis next book, and to be honest, it took me away. Truth be told, I hadn't noticed that it was an excerpt from a book, but assumed it was the last story in the anthology, so when it stopped abruptly, I messaged Catherine asking what the hell had happened. lol Probably gave her a head ache too. :-) When it stopped, I wanted it to continue, I wanted to know what happened next. So when this releases, I'm definitely buying and reading!!
All in All:
Cogs in Time 2 is an amazing blend with old known characters and new interesting authors. It was great to come back to old world and rediscover things, to dive head first into new ones and unravel every secret, turn every cog and watch the steam go. If you like steam punk or read the first Cogs in Time and loved it, Cogs in Time 2 is definitely for you. I know I enjoyed it immensely.
Meet the authors:
Wayne Carey- "A life-long fan of science fiction, Wayne Carey grew up reading H.G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Isaac Asimov, and all the grand masters of the genre, guiding him toward a career in science with degrees in biology and education and providing the desire to write from an early age. A love of classic and noire films, such as Casablanca and the Maltese Falcon, also influences his writing. He and his wife Brenda live in the wilds of Central Pennsylvania with their three children, who provide a great deal of inspiration for his work."
Michael Cross- Michael Cross has been a writer and amateur explorer for most of his life. He began submitting his original writing in 2013 with two short stories,
Tell Her She was Loved and
The Promise, both accepted by Xchyler Publishing and are due to be released early 2014 in anthologies. Most recently he is a blogger and works to share his love of the past and all things steampunk (whenever he is not working as a shrink). You may learn more about him at The
Hidden Library of Michael-Cross or on Twitter
Nicole L Daffurn- Nicole’s love for the written word has seen her write many short stories and poems and then eventually moving on to tackle the bigger task of novel writing late in 2011. She has also completed her course in editing and is currently studying Journalism and looks forward to exploring the world of news media.
Deborah Dalton-Deborah Dalton has a total of three short stories published, including "Sandy Marlin: Frontier Brewer" in the first
Cogs in Time anthology
SJ Davis- SJ Davis is the daughter of an ex-patriate British mother and a Southern Baptist ex-CIA father. As a child, she spoke in silly accents and recounted outlandish tales of fantasy over afternoon tea and to this day it remains her favorite activity. Born in Long Island, NY, she was raised in the suburbs of Washington DC and went to school for a very long time (University of Virginia and George Mason University), married an all-around wonderful man, had two kids (smart, funny, full of opinions), moved from Virginia to New Jersey to Philadelphia to Chicago to Detroit, and began her writing career. She is a believer in passionate romance and love at first sight, an avid tea drinker, a stiletto aficionado, Doc Marten worshipper, punk rock listener, and lover of flip flops and cardigans. She has a terrible sense of direction, loves Twizzlers, and is a Johnny Depp fangirl.
Aubrey Diamant - Aubrey Diamant is one half of the writing team Diamant, known for the "Night Boys" series. Living by night a crazy hotel night auditor when left to his own devices have led to some funny stories. Gender non conformist, LGBTQ activist, artist,NightLife Boy, wig aficionado, wearer of nail varnish, costume maker, former comic book writer and devout Pethead. He is a pretty boy at large; sometimes he does manage to write a book or two.
K.C. Finn- Born in South Wales to Raymond and Jennifer Finn, Kimberley Charlotte Elisabeth Finn (known to readers as K.C., otherwise it'd be too much of a mouthful) was one of those corny little kids who always wanted to be a writer. She was also incredibly stubborn, and so she finally achieved that dream in 2013 with the release of the four-part Caecilius Rex saga, the time travel adventure The Secret Star and her new 2014 young adult series SYNSK, with Clean Teen Publishing.
Eada Janes- Born and raised in the wonderful St. Louis, Mo area. Eada Janes is a hometown girl at heart. You can find her walking by the banks of the mighty Mississippi river, dancing the night away at the local clubs, or snuggled up in front of her fire with a good book and a cup of warm cocoa. After graduating with a degree in fine arts and working in the corporate world of retail for many years, she has decided to return to her creative roots and brave a brand new start as an independent author. You can find her work in
Cogs in Time, Cogs in Time 2, and
Les Vaproistes
Jeannette Joyal-Jeannette Joyal lives in North Carolina with her husband for the last 14 years. A proud mother of four daughters, one son and has also been blessed with six beautiful granddaughters who are the light of her life. She works for Hot Ink Press as Head of Strategic Marketing. She has recently tried her hand at writing and has completed a couple of poems. Both have now been published with Crushing Hearts. This has given her the encouragement to write some short stories.
Samantha Ketteman- Samantha Ketteman has resided in southern Illinois for 7 years, (though still claims to be an Alabama girl), with her husband and three crazy demon children. She started reading novels at a very young age and decided to write for herself. She is a caffeine addict, insomniac, and generally scatterbrained most of the time. When she's not writing, she's getting lost in her imagination. Novels are an escape from the harsh reality of a cantankerous teenage boy and two drama queen girls.
Faith Marlow-In the fifth grade, Faith Marlow discovered a fondness and talent for writing and has considered herself a storyteller ever since. In addition to writing, she is an avid reader, movie connoisseur, and a veritable repository for all manner of useless yet entertaining knowledge. Faith is proud member of the Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing family
Sherwin Matthews- Sherwin has been living in fantasy worlds within the confines of his head for most of his life. How it is that he has been able to exist this way is of greater mystery than he can conceive, leaving him thankful that he is at least politely indulged by those around him, whom most likely find some amusement in his extravagances. One day he fears that he’ll have to give up and join the real world.
Emma Michaels- Emma Michaels is a cover artist, blogger, and author of the ‘Society of Feathers’ series. Her love of blogging started when she created a book blog in 2009 which gave her the courage to finally submit her own novels to publishers. Emma Michaels’ publications now include Owlet and Eyrie (Tribute Books), Holiday Magick Anthology (Spencer Hill Press), and Cirque d’Obscure Anthology and Cogs in Time Anthology (Crushing Hearts Black Butterfly).
Jeff Motsinger- Jeff Motsinger is a loving husband to Demetria Motsinger with two children ( Nikolai and Dani Jo).Born and raised in lovely Southern Illinois, he spends his extra time playing rpgs online. Jeff has a passion for drawing, but loves to write fantasy style stories.
Lexi Ostrow -Lexi has been a writer ever since the second grade in some form or another. Getting her degree in creative writing
and her master's in journalism she couldn't wait to get a chance to put her fantasies down on paper. Her debut novel, Torn Between Two Worlds is something that was simmering in her mind since middle school and she's so grateful to put it out into the literary world. From paranormal romance to thriller there isn't a genre she doesn't love to spend her time reading or writing.
Beth W. Patterson- Beth Patterson was a full-time musician for over two decades before sidestepping into the world of writing (a process she describes as “fleeing the circus to join the zoo”). Patterson has played in over a dozen countries across the Americas, Europe, Japan, and Australia. She appears on over a hundred and twenty albums (including seven solo albums of her own) in addition to a smattering of soundtracks, videos, commercials, and voice-overs. Various artists have recorded over a hundred of her compositions and co-writes. She studied ethnomusicology at University College Cork, Ireland and holds a bachelor’s degree in Music Therapy from Loyola University New Orleans.
Monica Reents- Monica Reents was born and raised in Kansas. She lives with her husband, four children, and one spoiled dog. Her background is in the health field and in criminal justice. She loves to hunt for antique treasures with her husband, has an addiction to coffee, and buys books faster than she can read them. She has had a love of reading since she was a young child and began writing poetry in her early teens. Monica never goes anywhere without a notebook and pen, saying that you never know when a story will find you. Writing had been a hobby for over twenty years, before deciding to take it seriously. She is currently working on her first fiction novel while continuing to write poetry.
Cindy J. Smith-All my her life, Cindy has written poetry. She is an older person, not quite as old as dirt and not good at playing the part of "starving artist". So, she has had many different jobs in her life, a Jane of all Trades. Currently she drives a truck Over-the-road with her husband. She has a beautiful daughter who is now an angel and a wonderful granddaughter. She recently reissued her poetry books: Voices In My Head and They Won't Shut Up. She also has poems in several anthologies and books by fellow authors.
Andrea L. Staum- Andrea L. Staum is author of the Dragonchild Lore series and The Attic's Secret Novella. She is also a contributor to a wide variety of anthologies in numerous genres. She is a trained motorcycle mechanic, an amateur house renovator, and a record keeper for the characters in her mind. She resides in South Central Wisconsin with her husband and three cats.
Catherine Stovall- Catherine is a fearless creature who surrounds herself with the joys of life both in and out of her fictional worlds. She lives in Southeast Missouri with her husband, three children, and pets. When not writing, she spends her time riding motorcycles, wearing elaborate hats, and genuinely enjoying the oddities in life.
Cory Turner- Cory M, S Turner, was born and raised in Missouri. He’s a writer at heart, day dreaming his days away as he works his days away. Cogs in Time 2 is his debut into the world of publishing.
Thank you for the wonderful review! So glad you enjoyed it and I was honored to be a part of this amazing collection.