Hi and welcome to my new place, Clemy! Hope
you enjoy the new surroundings. Sit down, I have coffee, tea and hot chocolate,
and some homemade Christmas cookies.
You recently released you second book in your latest fantasy series; The Mirage. Was it different to write compared to The Star?
It was. It was much, much harder to keep my thoughts and ideas in a straight line. I kept veering off with different ideas and sometimes I lost the pull of the story slightly, but the ending does the book justice… I think…

Yes. I had decided when there was going to be three in the series that the covers were going to be an obvious set. There are obvious differences between the three but, also very strong similarities. I was questioned by several other authors on ‘why my covers are so alike?’ My reply was, ‘I was trying something new J’
I have to say, for me personally, Abbii
changed to a very different person in The Mirage compared to The Star. Can you
share your thoughts behind her change?
I agree with you whole-heartedly. In The Mirage, Abbii is consumed by the grief and despair of having Jake taken from her; no matter how much her friends are there or what happens around her, Abbii becomes fixated onto Jake. I lose some of the momentum of the story because of her strong sense of despair, but I believe it’s needed. I wanted to show how losing one important person can change ones life completely. I needed to show it in Abbii’s perspective, so that the reader could understand how she grows the strength to stand up and fight in the end *No spoilers, sorry!* Losing someone often reveals things you never knew about yourself. She needs Jake, but not as much as she thinks. The final book in the set will hopefully give you back the character you originally liked. Abbii discovers that there is more to life than searching for those that she’s lost-, and that is fighting for those that she has.
I agree with you whole-heartedly. In The Mirage, Abbii is consumed by the grief and despair of having Jake taken from her; no matter how much her friends are there or what happens around her, Abbii becomes fixated onto Jake. I lose some of the momentum of the story because of her strong sense of despair, but I believe it’s needed. I wanted to show how losing one important person can change ones life completely. I needed to show it in Abbii’s perspective, so that the reader could understand how she grows the strength to stand up and fight in the end *No spoilers, sorry!* Losing someone often reveals things you never knew about yourself. She needs Jake, but not as much as she thinks. The final book in the set will hopefully give you back the character you originally liked. Abbii discovers that there is more to life than searching for those that she’s lost-, and that is fighting for those that she has.
You seem very fascinated by the Dark/light
& Goodness/Evil, what is it that draws you in?
I often get asked this question. For those that have read my first trilogy, The Sacred Prophecies, they will see that Darkness and Light are embedded so deeply into each of my books that nothing else is really clear. I believe that everyone has good and bad in them, in my stories and in real life. I am fascinated by the good and bad in people and how each person portrays their different sides. I guess that’s what made me a writer J
I often get asked this question. For those that have read my first trilogy, The Sacred Prophecies, they will see that Darkness and Light are embedded so deeply into each of my books that nothing else is really clear. I believe that everyone has good and bad in them, in my stories and in real life. I am fascinated by the good and bad in people and how each person portrays their different sides. I guess that’s what made me a writer J
What was your inspiration for writing this
That’s a tough one. I just started writing The Star one day and it drew me in. The longer I wrote about Abbii, the more my own emotions began to play their part. Everyone loses someone, but not everyone can cope.
That’s a tough one. I just started writing The Star one day and it drew me in. The longer I wrote about Abbii, the more my own emotions began to play their part. Everyone loses someone, but not everyone can cope.
Are you working on something else, besides
the third book in your series?
Well! I have vague ideas for my next book. No title or main storyline yet, but it will be about Angels and Fallen Angels/ Demons. *Though I don’t want to fall down the religion route, that’s not me!*
Well! I have vague ideas for my next book. No title or main storyline yet, but it will be about Angels and Fallen Angels/ Demons. *Though I don’t want to fall down the religion route, that’s not me!*
What do you love most about being a writer?
I can let my imagination run wild and no-one can stop me *evil laugh!!*
I can let my imagination run wild and no-one can stop me *evil laugh!!*
What do you dislike the most?
The patience you need. Honestly, I have so little patience that writing sometimes drives me crazy. It’s usually the editing stage… it is so repetitive and unending!
The patience you need. Honestly, I have so little patience that writing sometimes drives me crazy. It’s usually the editing stage… it is so repetitive and unending!
If you could put 10 words on your book,
which ones would it be?
(I’m not exactly sure what you had in mind for this) How’s this- A journey of Love, friendship and Betrayal, tainted by Darkness.
(I’m not exactly sure what you had in mind for this) How’s this- A journey of Love, friendship and Betrayal, tainted by Darkness.
Favorite read this year?
Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick.
Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick.
Favorite movie this year?
That’s a tough one *thinks deeply to try and remember all the films I’ve seen this year* Hmmm, I liked Iron Man 3 but was a bit disappointed by the ‘Mandarin’. The Wolverine wasn’t bad either, but I didn’t really get why he needed to fight with samurai swords when he’s got adamantine claws *oops, sorry, going off a bit there!* I loved Pacific Rim.
That’s a tough one *thinks deeply to try and remember all the films I’ve seen this year* Hmmm, I liked Iron Man 3 but was a bit disappointed by the ‘Mandarin’. The Wolverine wasn’t bad either, but I didn’t really get why he needed to fight with samurai swords when he’s got adamantine claws *oops, sorry, going off a bit there!* I loved Pacific Rim.
Thank you for coming by Clemy, and I hope
you will have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Happy New year Sabina!!!
Clemy was born in the UK in 1991 where she
still lives, growing up alongside one younger and three older brothers.
Books and writing was an interest that she
began to develop from the first years of secondary school, and on her
thirteenth birthday, she began to plan and design the idea to write
a fantasy novel. She finished secondary school with high GCSE's and then
went on into further education to study English and all aspects of art and
design. After six years of writing, planning and overall editing of the
book, it was successfully completed, containing over 82,000 words, and
self published in the first week of 2011.
With high expectations in herself, she
immediately began to write a second novel in the series, while keeping her art
and design a part of the process. The achievement of completing the first novel
'Purest Light,' allowed the ideas of the second to flow much easier and it was
completed by early 2012. As she was writing the third and final book, New
Beginnings, at the same time, the series was finished by its publication in
Writing is now a part of her everyday and
she has now started her newest project, The Mirage, which is book two of

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